PyMEx Program (for export and import SMEs)
Bancomext’s specialized program for contributing to the growth of PyMEx.
Increase the national added value of exports, promoting access to financing for small and medium firms.
Financial products for PyMEx:
PyMEx Credit
Bancomext has a strategic alliance with commercial banks and other financial intermediaries for providing services to PyMEx. Specifically, PyMex Credit offers:
- Flexible financing in line with your needs.
- Access to specialized foreign-trade products.
- Low interest rates.
- Long-term loans.
- Accounts in US dollars or Mexican pesos.
Consult your preferred strategic ally and request a PyMEx Loan.
Consult the comparative table for loans to PyMEx.
- ABC Capital
- Banamex
- BanBajio
- Banca Afirme
- Banca Mifel
- Banco BASE
- Banorte
- BBVA Bancomer
- BX+
- Santander
International Export Factoring. Program designed to meet the liquidity needs of Mexican firms, through their accounts receivable, with international coverage, in line with international standards and electronically.
- Financing for up to 90% of invoice value.
- Hedging of risk of non-payment by buyer.
- Administration of accounts receivable.
- Management of payment collection abroad through financial counterparts located in the buyer’s country.
International Import Factoring. Protection for purchases abroad with the best hedging in line with international standards, to facilitate importing of products and services, with the aim of strengthened productive capacity and participation by Mexican firms in foreign trade.
If your PyMEx needs Factoring, come see us at Bancomext!
Letters of Credit are the most reliable means of payment for activities associated with foreign trade, and are offered in the following modalities: Export, Domestic, Import, Stand-by and Contractual Guarantees.
If your firm is a PyMEx that requires Letters of Credit, come see us at Bancomext!