
Designed for 

  • Export firms or suppliers of export firms that provide inputs, services or intermediate or final goods that are incorporated into export products or services.
  • Foreign currency generating firms and their suppliers.
  • Import substitution firms.  .
  • Mexican firms that import raw materials, inputs or components for their processes of production for the international market.
  • Banking and non-banking financial intermediaries.

Securities Guarantees

Designed for export firms or suppliers of export firms, which provide inputs, services or intermediate or final goods that are incorporated into export products or services.

Improves a firm’s international competitiveness through the opportunity to access financial resources in improved conditions.  Read more.

Buyer’s Guarantees

Designed for Mexican exporters that need to offer financing options for purchasing Mexican products and/or services to their foreign clients.  Read more.


Apply for a Guarantee at (55) 5449 9000 or contact our Regional Office closest to your location.