Frequently-Asked Questions

Where can I find a database of export and import firms?

We recommend that you use the mechanisms offered by ProMéxico at:

  • ProMéxico – Directorio de Exportadores (Directory of Exporters)
  • Compradores y vendedores (Buyers and sellers) (B2B).

How can I start to export?

There are different mechanisms for exporting, and depending on your knowledge of the export process, you may obtain different products and services that are focused on your needs and provided by federal government institutions and entities. ProMéxico’s mandate is to plan, coordinate and carry out a strategy for attracting foreign direct investment, promote the exporting of Mexican products, and promote the internationalization of Mexican firms, thereby contributing to the country’s economic and social development. ProMéxico has a range of services corresponding to your firm’s stage of development within investment and export processes. In addition we have prepared a series of options to ensure that you receive the services you require in line with your needs:

Other links:

How can Bancomext help my firm?

Bancomext offers a range of financial products to export firms, their suppliers, and in general, firms participating in Mexico’s foreign trade, as well as firms in the tourism sector, with the aim of addressing their financial needs. These products include financing for working capital, discounts on sales, and loans for purchasing machinery and equipment or financing investment projects. We also promote a network of financial intermediaries. Specific information on the characteristics of each of these types of financing can be found here.

What is a letter of credit?

A letter of credit is a payment instrument received by a beneficiary through an advising/confirming bank, with the commitment to honor payment in its favor, in exchange for the presentation of required documents corresponding to the sale of merchandise or provision of services. These documents must comply strictly with the terms and conditions stipulated in the Letter of Credit issued by the issuing bank acting on behalf of the applicant. More information on letters of credit can be found here.

What are the requirements for the issuance of a letter of credit?

  • A line of credit with Bancomext for the issuance of letters of credit, if the amount is above 3 million Dollars, or 100% of the operation’s value through a cash deposit (provision of funds) plus an additional percentage that may be as much as 10% of the appraisal amount.
  • Presentation of the firm’s legal documentation required by Bancomext for proper client identification.
  • Presentation of a properly completed “Application for Issuance of Irrevocable Letter of Credit,” with the application form provided by Bancomext, or acquisition of services through “B@ncomext Trade,” an online Letters of Credit System.
  • Payment of the corresponding commission.

More information on letters of credit may be found here.

How can I apply for a loan?

Bancomext grants financing to address the short, medium and long-term needs of firms participating in Mexico’s foreign trade, including exporters and their suppliers, importers and import-substitution firms. To gain access to the range of products designed by Bancomext to assist you in meeting your financial needs, please note the following:

  • If you are a small or medium export or import firm (PyMEx) that requires financial assistance for your activities and your financial need is less than 3 million Dollars, we invite you to consult PyMEx Credit .
  • If your need for financial assistance amounts to 3 million Dollars or more, or its equivalent in Mexican pesos, contact an executive in the regional office closest to your location.

What requirements must I meet to apply for financing?

Every product and service has its own terms and conditions. As well, each financial intermediary determines the minimal package of information necessary for evaluating each request for financing received. In general, in order to be considered for financial assistance, it is necessary to:

  • Firm legally incorporated in Mexico, with a minimum of two years in operation.
  • Direct or indirect exporter or importer.
  • Minimum experience of three exportations during the last year.
  • A minimum of one exportation each year for the last three years.
  • Maintain a sound financial situation. In particular, not in bankruptcy proceedings, involved in a strike or pending strike.
  • A credit bureau record without incidents of having caused the bankruptcy of other entities in the financial system, or repeated cases of non-compliance with obligations, particularly payments, referred to as prevention codes.
  • Updated financial and administrative information.

For more information please consult with your preferred financial intermediary. It will provide you with detailed information on the requirements for the specific financing required by your firm.

Why go to a financial intermediary to obtain a Bancomext loan?

Bancomext, through its network of intermediaries, expands the opportunities for your firm to gain access to the products and services offered. Bancomext is able to bring its services to firms around the country, through the branches of the intermediaries in its network. Bancomext’s financial assistance is the same as that offered through the network’s intermediaries.

Where can I find information on foreign trade in Mexico and in other countries?

We recommend that you use the mechanisms offered by the Secretariat of Economy in its Statistical and Tariff Information section, as well as those offered by ProMéxico (Cómo Exportar) and INEGI (Economic Information Bank).

Where can I find information regarding job offers, social service and professional internships?

We recommend that you contact Rosalía García at the following email address:  Or you can consult the Human Resources section.

Do you have questions about export marketing?


If you have questions regarding exporting, destination markets and aspects of exporting such as tariff classifications, Incoterms, markets and other matters associated with export marketing, please contact ProMéxico. If you have questions related to products and services offered by Bancomext, please write them here.