Support and create jobs in Mexico through foreign investment activities, complementing their financial requirements.
The investment of foreign capital in Mexico generates jobs for Mexicans, while contributing to the growth and development of the communities where investments are made.
Who do we finance?
- Foreign investors in Mexico: Individuals engaged in business activities or non-Mexican firms that invest in Mexico, specifically in productive sectors linked to foreign trade or foreign currency generation.
- Mexican firms with foreign capital: Individuals engaged in business activities or Mexican firms with foreign capital that participate in activities linked to foreign trade or foreign currency generation.
Support and create jobs in Mexico through foreign investment activities, complementing their financial requirements.
Products and Services
Consult our portfolio of products and services to complement your investment in Mexico.
If you are a foreign investor in Mexico and you need financing above 3 million US Dollars, call 01 800 EXPORTA (397 6782) or come to our Regional Office closest to your location.
Bancomext supports foreign investment!