Total Annual Cost (TAC)

Financial product Average TAC Currency
Working capital 13.1% Without IVA National currency
Working capital 8.8% Without IVA US Dollars
Economic cycle 15.3% Without IVA National currency
Economic cycle 8.3% Without IVA US Dollars
Export sales 11.9% Without IVA National currency
Export sales 8.3% Without IVA US Dollars
Investment projects 10.8% Without IVA National currency
Investment projects 5.2% Without IVA US Dollars
TAC: Total Annual Cost. Depending on the product and characteristics of the contract, for exclusively informational and comparative purposes.

TAC calculated for a period of 365 days for short term.

TAC calculated for a period of 1,095 days for long term.

TAC calculated at the amount of 1,000,000.00 for Mexican pesos and 100,000.00 for US Dollars.   Interest rate agreed upon at the time of disbursement.