Historical Background

June 8, 1937

Founding of Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (Bancomext) during the Lázaro Cárdenas administration.

July 2, 1937

Bancomext opened its doors to the public, with the objective of promoting, developing and organizing Mexico’s foreign trade. It was located at 15 Gante Street in M exico City’s historic downtown area.


Bancomext was represented on the Mexican delegation participating at the Havana Conference at which, for the first time, a multilateral agreement was sought to eliminate tariffs and restrictions on world trade.


Bancomext signed the first agreements on countertrade, making it possible to export cotton, rice, candelilla wax, honey and peanuts, for example. Promoting exports, particularly industrial and semi-processed products, became the Bank’s priority.


Publication of the Comercio Exterior magazine was initiated. EDIF-GANTE-1


Bancomext implemented its Program for Promoting Foreign Trade, to conduct analyses of export and import products and to explore foreign markets.


The Bank collaborated on three general objectives in the government’s economic policy: improving the trade balance, strengthening the terms of exchange, and industrialization.


The first National Directory of Exporters and Importers was published.


The Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) granted Bancomext legal authorization to operate as a multiple bank.


A national, democratic labor union for Bancomext’s workers (Sindicato Nacional Único y Democrático de los Trabajadores de Bancomext) was legally registered.EDIF-GANTE-2-300x297


The Fund for the Promotion of Exports of Mexican Manufactured Products (Fondo para el Fomento de las Exportaciones de Productos Manufacturados—FOMEX) became part of Bancomext.

July 12, 1985

A decree was published in the Federal Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) that transformed Bancomext from a Limited Corporation to a National Credit Corporation, a Development Bank Institution.

January 20, 1986

Bancomext’s Organic Law was published in the Federal Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación).


Bancomext issued eight commercial papers abroad, becoming the country’s first financial institution to issue this type of financial instrument in international markets.


Bancomext initiated its first-tier operations to respond to cases in which commercial banks were unable to finance pre-export or export projects.


Bancomext was designated to assist airline companies and the tourism sector in response to the health emergency provoked by the flu virus.


In accordance with Mexico’s National Development Plan, Bancomext’s purpose is to contribute to developing a Prosperous Mexico, characterized by economic and social growth, by financing foreign trade.