Foreign Currency Bank Deposits

Designed for Corporate treasuries and financial institutions.


  • Increase the value of your portfolio by taking currency positions, taking advantage of positive fluctuations in the exchange rate, and making use of different terms.
  • Secure operations conducted in a development bank with federal government backing.
  • Personalized attention by executives with considerable experience in financial markets, certified by the Mexican Association of Securities Intermediaries and authorized by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV).
  • Real-time market information.
  • Comprehensive financial services.


  1. Provide copies of the following documents:
  • Constitutive act containing registry information, or an equivalent document.
  • Notary powers containing registry information.
  • Current official identification for authorized officers and operators, with photographs and signatures.
  • Proof of current, official location.
  • Digital Certificate of Advanced Electric Signature (Certificado Digital de la Firma Electrónica Avanzada—Fiel).
  • Federal Taxpayers Registry (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes—RFC) Card.
  • Bank account for liquidation of operations.
  1. Complete, sign and deliver “Client Identification and Knowledge” questionnaire.
  2. Sign the Framework Contract.